News & Media
A compilation of what we want to say or what the community is saying about us. Check it out!
BIG Win for Small Business
September 22, 2021 | This week, CMC received some very exciting news!! We have been awarded a $1.675 Billion, 10-year contract by Robins Air Force Base, the largest contract ever awarded to Collins Manufacturing Company! Only a few Department of Defense (DOD) contractors were selected for this award. The purpose of this Strategic Replenish Contract (SRC) Award is to support our Air Force in providing various types of equipment. See the full post on Facebook here.
CMC Plant 5 - SPM Acquisition
June 28, 2021 | CMC purchased the former Schwartz Precision Manufacturing building, hired on 14 of their skilled artisans, and gained loads of manufacturing equipment! We are happy to finally announce that Tom Brewer is leading the team as CMC's General Manager. See the full post on LinkedIn here.
Strategic Thinking
July 2021 | Georgia Trend covered six local female trailblazers including our own, Gwen Collins. Being a small, woman-owned business, Gwen appreciates and encourages other women in business and so does Georgia Trend! Read the full article here.
SBA Visit
August 28, 2020 | We received some coverage on 41 NBC because of the SBA Administrator visit! Jovita Carranza, Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration, and her entourage visited our machine and fabrication shops in August 2020 to discuss the PPP loan that helped us stay open during the COVID crisis. Click here to watch...
"Women in Business"
May 2020 | Our very own Gwen Collins was covered in Macon Magazine's "Women In Business" edition in the April/May 2020 publication. Gwen was covered along with other local female businesswomen. We're so proud of our fearless leader! Click here to see the article.
MBCIA Highlight
We are so grateful to the Macon-Bibb County Industrial Authority for their interest and involvement in our business and projects, especially regarding our office space renovation! Watch the video...
"Made To Order"
May 2019 | Georgia Trend's Small Business Guide 2019/2020 published an article on our recent growth and success. Find out more...

CMC Plant 3 & 4
January 2020 | Exciting News!! Collins Manufacturing Company recently acquired the Steel Services manufacturing and office space. This adds 54,904 square feet bringing our total manufacturing space to an incredible 112,904 square feet! We will begin improvements in February and anticipate moving into the space by mid to late March. This additional space will be used primarily for welding/fabrication/assembly and we hope to have it filled up by year’s end. With the property expansion, we have also added 5 more craftsmen in the past 2 weeks which pushes us to over 40 employees! Great things are happening in 2020!!
UGA's SBDC Article on CMC Certification
The University of Georgia's Small Business Development Center (SBDC) published an article covering our certification and extensive growth. Read the article...